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Specialized Network Applications


Simpact Associates, Inc.

X.25 is a complete implementation of the protocol standard that supportshigh-throughput communications for public and private data networks suchas Telenet and Tymnet. The X.25 protocol executes on Simpact's ICP6/9 frontend processors (FEP), and CNS 6 Series communicationsservers. The FEPs provide wide area communications for computerssupporting a VMEbus or SBus-to-VME adapters. The communications serversprovide wide area communications for Ethernet LANs.Since the communications processing is done onboard the Simpact FEP orcommunications server, the main system processor is left with maximumresource availability to run other critical computing processes.Simpact's X.25 protocol complies fully with both 1980 and 1984 CCITT X.25standards. The X.25 protocol provided by Simpact supports specializedX.25 functions used in application-specific networks.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: VME-based I/O system or SBus to VME adapter or Simpact CNS 6000 series
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Simpact Associates, Inc.
9210 Sky Park Ct
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (619) 565-1865
        (800) SIM-PACT
Fax: (619) 292-8015